Detailed Planning: Maximum Planning Security For Your Factory

As part of the master planning, an initial concept for a flexible, future-proof factory structure is developed. The next step is to concretize this design in the course of detailed planning. This is where manufacturing companies rely on the utmost care. After all, even small mistakes can have far-reaching consequences.

What is Important in Detailed Planning?

Whether it’s a greenfield project for new buildings (green greenfield) or factory optimization/expansion of existing buildings (green brownfield): Once the functional areas of the production facility are arranged as a block layout, the initial concept for the factory structure needs to be detailed.

This applies in particular to the functional areas of a factory: Among other things, companies define how production, assembly, and logistics processes must be structured and what equipment is required to achieve an optimal value stream. The same applies to the design of running, transport and information paths.

The main objective of the detailed planning is to create detailed layouts for the entire factory equipment, including specifications, which serve as input parameters for the realization of the factory. A concrete workflow is created that contains all the necessary implementation measures and serves as the basis for tenders and award processes.

What Tasks Does the Detailed Planning Entail?

When it comes to detailed planning, companies have to solve a multitude of tasks. The depth of this holistic planning depends not least on the complexity of the construction project. There are, however, typical focal points that almost always have to be regulated during detailed planning:

  • Workplace design (climate, light, noise etc.)
  • Media and energy supply (including auxiliary systems such as cooling devices)
  • Transportation distances
  • Waste disposal
  • Assembly concepts
  • Concepts for production logistics
  • Selection of suitable IT solutions
  • Safety precautions (emergency lighting, fire protection, escape routes, etc.)
  • Loading and lifting technology
  • Incoming goods, storage and shipping
  • Layout planning of operating resources, systems and machines

At first glance, some of these aspects may only have a limited impact on operational processes at the factory. All in all, however, they ensure that the concepts developed can actually be realized as planned later on.

This is where the big challenge lies in the area of detailed planning: Even small errors can jeopardize the smooth flow of production in the factory. If, for example, a system does not fit between two supports, adjustments are required, which often also affect other areas of the factory. In the worst-case scenario, this results in a complex domino effect, as adjustments are time-consuming and cost-intensive once the planning phase is complete.

We Support You in Your Detailed Planning

In order to optimally coordinate processes, technologies and functional areas, companies need expertise from a variety of areas – from processes in production and logistics to developing spatial concepts and selecting the right IT solutions. If these areas dovetail perfectly, you can create a basis for optimization and optimal operations at your factory.

Our consultants have been supporting companies from the traditional industries in this challenging task for years. In close coordination with our customers, we develop holistic layouts for all functional areas of production as well as the entire site as part of detailed planning. On request, we can also help with

What Does Your Result Look Like?

Good detailed planning creates maximum planning reliability. This results in an implementation concept that uses lean methods to enable efficient, flexibly adaptable operational procedures at your factory. In this way, you can ensure the economic success of your project even before it is realized!

Do you have questions about the idea of “detailed planning”? Get in touch with us today.

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Lily Wang

Lily Wang

Head of Intralogistics
Phone: +86 150 0408 6032

Lily Wang

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